

The History of Government Science Study Program  

The Government Science in Faculty of Social and Political Science of Universitas Diponegoro was officially established in January 1st 1968 under the Socio-Political Faculty. If traced from the history, Universitas Diponegoro was still named Universitas Semarang in 1957, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences used to be a faculty gathered with Faculty of Law named Faculty of Law and Public Sciences (FHPM). FHPM consisted of Law and Social Sciences. The Government Science was included in the Social Science.

In accordance with Government Regulation 7 / 1961, Universitas Semarang was changed into Universitas Diponegoro and be appointed as a public university. Later on 1968, FHPM was officially divided into two faculties namely the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. One of the pioneers for the majors in Socio-Political Faculty is Prof. Sukarjan Hadi Sutikno. According to the Rector’s Decree 8 / 1983, Socio-Political Faculty has changed into the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in Universitas Diponegoro. Therefore, according to the history, the Government Science already established since 1957 but new formally became a part of FISIP UNDIP in 1968. Later on 2016 the Government Science was no longer a major but a study program under the Department of Politics and Governance.

The initial purpose of the Government Science was to fulfill the government interest to have more trained resources to be the government apparatus and that resources are possible to not only coming from the government educational institution. The Government Science Study Program has three concentrations which are Government Management, Government Behavior, and Intermediary / Relations Political Power



  1. Educational: Improving the quality of Study Program organization to be able to provide adequate resources covering curriculum, RPS and teaching materials in accordance with the substance of governmental science, lecturers with sufficient qualifications in order to achieve learning objectives, and academic administrative staff capable of managing the learning process optimally.
  2. Research: Develop research with the theme of “Democracy, Decentralization and Governance Effectiveness”. This research is done gradually. The first stage of understanding the three big actors, namely the state, corporations and community organizations in understanding democracy. The second stage, understanding the program and how to formulate the democratic development program of the three stakeholders. Fourth stage, understanding how the stakeholders implement the program and test whether the program is realized in accordance with idealism and contribute to the creation of democratic policy process. The fifth stage, looking for intersection of program concepts, program implementation and innovating a new institutionalization in constructing democracy for the benefit of society. This research is targeted to be completed within five years by involving all lecturers of Study Program, students and educational staff. The results targeted in this study, in addition to research reports are also written in research journals and policy briefs. Benefits of research results will contribute greatly to changes in curriculum, RPS, teaching materials and learning process.
  3. Community Service: The results of the research can be modeled and innovated into a new community empowerment. The innovation results are offered to the stakeholders through a process of community service. At least annually it is targeted to communicate research results to stakeholders, both to governments, corporations and social organizations. This devotion involves lecturers and students in facilitating the activities that exist in society while introducing new innovations obtained from the research. This will be conducted by involving community participation.


Why Study

As we know, there are only four universities in Indonesia that open the Governance Science study program. Two of those are Universitas Diponegoro and government education service (IPDN). Therefore, there will be more chance on job opportunities to be achieved since the graduates of the Governance Science study program are qualified graduates.

The reason for choosing the governance science fisip undip is because this study program has the advantage in the learning process which focus on the Governance Management, Governance Behaviour and Intermediary / Liaison Political Power. In the Governance Management concentration, this study program provides the knowledge on how to be a policy experts who incidentally must have adequate knowledge and also need good skills. Meanwhile, the Governance Behaviour concentration will dicuss the students’ ability on political parties, mass organization, interest groups as well as pressure groups.

Therefore, for those who dream of working at the public / government sector, this study program is the right choice. This is because being the government official means we should be the public servants. It also means that we must do the job which not only useful for ouselves but many people. Then, for those who dream of working at the mass organization (ormas), LSM will be suitable for applying the knowledge obtained in that sector. In short, the governance science is closely related to the government, the people, as well as the relation between them.