In an effort to strengthen village branding and improve social media content design skills, KKN TIM II Diponegoro University students in 2024 held a scientific program on training and practice of developing social media Instagram Village Government which was held on Friday, July 26, 2024 at Jombor Village Hall, Jumo District, Temanggung Regency. The social media account is namess @pemdes_jombor. The program aims to increase and utilize the potential of Jombor Village and their local wealth such as village art events, woven groups and events approaching August. Not only that, this training also introduces creating attractive content designs for Instagram such as operating using Canva and Capcut applications. The party involved in this program is the Instagram admin of Jombor Village Government.

Personal Documents: KKN TIM II UNDIP student 2024, Coraly Eldera Sundew, Government Science Study Program
This training and practice introduce how to tag other Instagram accounts in posts and Instagram stories. That way, people outside Jombor Village will know about events such as arts performances and Independence Day celebrations. This is a form of promoting the village so that the event is visited and can consciously open business opportunities for Jombor Village residents by setting up small stalls during village events. Before posting information on social media, they must make an attractive design. This training also teaches and practices directly to make the content design. The practice method is face-to-face and students explain and directly model how to operate the application, edit which ones need to be edited and choose the design according to the admin’s needs.
“Miss, my videos are often shaky because I use an Android phone. How can I make them more stable?” asked Mba Wur, the admin of @pemdes_jombor. As students who are ready for the questions given, they not only introduced social media branding and attractive designs, students also teach how to stabilize videos in Google’s default application, Google Photos for Android phones. After learning and applying the instructions, the admin was delighted with the new knowledge, which made the KKN students happy as well. It was clear that their program had a positive impact on the village officials, particularly the Instagram admin of Jombor Village Government. In addition to the training and practice, the admin received written materials on branding and instructions in the form of a module from the students who conducted the program.
The hope for the admin is that they will continue to improve their design skills to create engaging social media content. The students also hope that this program will not end with the completion of KKN but will continue into the future, successfully promoting Jombor Village. “Miss, I would like to thank you. The knowledge I gained has been very useful”, said the Instagram admin when the training and practice was over. This program has significantly helped the Jombor Village Government’s Instagram admin by providing direct explanations and practical training. Not only that, students were also pleased because after the training and practice program, the social media admin applied what students explain during the program implementation. In essence, village branding on social media is very important to promote the potential of the village and training and practice in village branding is also necessary for people who are unfamiliar. As students who have adequate knowledge, it is our duty to share it with others who still need further education.