Faculty Graduation Ceremony for February 2023 Period – FISIP UNDIP
Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D. (Lecturer at FISIP UNDIP): Oligarchy, Economic Inequality and Our Political Imagination
“If we look at the latest theories in Political Science to describe Indonesia’s current situation, we will encounter the term oligarchy. This concept refers to a few people who are so powerful that they can make all the political decisions for hundreds of millions of...
Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan, S.Sos., M.A., Ph.D. (Lecturer at FISIP UNDIP) Presented Research on the Dynamics of Decentralization Policy and Its Impact on the Productivity of the Industrial Sector
“The expansion of regional authority in the context of decentralization also includes the development of the industrial sector. However, during the two decades of implementation of decentralization, the expected linkage between the regional public sector and industry...
From Social Regulation to Social Movements: International network in organizing the ALTERSEA Conference
As is known, the current illiberal or authoritarian regimes in Southeast Asia impose various barriers that restrict (and sometimes forbid) research and fieldwork on social movements in the region. As young researchers, we find that the issues of social movements in...
Dr. Nunik Retno Herawati, S.Sos., M.Si. (Lecturer of Department of Politics and Government Studies FISIP UNDIP): Leadership in PTNBH Management
“Education is a determining factor in the success of human development because education functions as a creator of knowledge, skills, values and culture. Education is considered successful if it produces a young generation who is intelligent, and has good character,...
Healthy Food Quota Update
Due to the start of the odd semester holiday in 2022, the healthy food distribution quota at each pick-up location will be adjusted as follows: No Location Quota 1 SA-MWA Building Parking Lot 300 2 Student Center 300 3 Auditorium Imam Bardjo, S.H. 125 Total 725 The...
2022 Scientific Oration of FISIP Undip, Challenges and Opportunities for Social and Political Sciences in the Era of Digital Transformation
The Scientific Oration held on Thursday, 22 December 2022 in the Theatre Room Building C 1st Floor, FISIP Undip Tembalang Campus was one of the events in a series of celebrations of the 54th Anniversary of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas...
Service Transfer of Level 1 Health Care Facility to Klinik Pratama Diponegoro 1
We hereby announce to all Undip students of the 2020 and 2021 classes to immediately change their health facility services to Klinik Pratama Diponegoro 1 in accordance with the provisions of the Rector’s Announcement in this link. Procedures for...
Healthy Food Registration System Information Dissemination
In accordance with the direction of the Rector of Universitas Diponegoro, currently, the academic and student affairs division in collaboration with the communication and business division has developed a healthy food registration system. In this regard, we hereby...