Merdeka Studi Merdeka Campus in the Bachelor of Government Science Study Program

8 Pilar Program MBKM

Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is an innovation created by the Ministry of Education and Culture and launched a policy to transform the higher education system in Indonesia to produce more relevant graduates

Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Dalam dan Luar Negeri

Program Kampus Mengajar

Program Magang Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka

Program Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka

Program Kewirausahaan Kampus Merdeka

Program Penelitian Kampus Merdeka

Program Kemanusiaan Kampus Merdeka

Program Pembangunan Desa Kampus Merdeka

Tujuan Program MBKM

The objectives of organizing the MBKM learning program include:

  • realizing an autonomous and flexible learning process so as to create a learning culture that is innovative, not restrictive, and in accordance with student needs.
  • increasing links and matches with the world of business and industry, as well as to prepare students for the world of work from the start.
  • prepare students to become competitive human beings; namely humans who are healthy, intelligent, adaptive, creative, innovative, skilled, dignified, productive, and have character in accordance with the values of Pancasila.

Tautan Dokumen MBKM

Berikut merupakan tautan dokumen terkait dengan kegiatan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka di Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

SOP Konversi SKS

SOP Alur Pendaftaran MBKM

MBKM Evaluation Report 2022

MBKM Evaluation Report 2023