Making an Impact Across the Globe
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Mahasiswa IUP
Terstimoni Mahasiswa IUP
“Joining the international class government science department and being the first batch is a gift that I should be grateful for because it is like finding a new family and studying in a place that is supportive of the process as well as educators who always guide every step of the process. I believe that by studying political science and government in a good place, it will produce good generations and good governance in the future
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Untuk mendapatkan informasi pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru IUP
Gedung A Lantai 2 FISIP Universtas Diponegoro
Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH. No.1Semarang Indonesia
Neny Marlina | +6281585146691

International Undergraduate Program
Department of Politic and Governance