
Government Studies

The Government Studies in Faculty of Social Science and Political Science of Universitas Diponegoro was officially established on January 1st 1968 under the Socio-Political Faculty. According to its history, Universitas Diponegoro was still named Universitas Semarang in 1957, and the Faculty of Social Science and Political Sciences used to be a faculty gathered with Faculty of Law named Faculty of Law and Public Sciences (FHPM). FHPM consisted of Law and Social Sciences. Government Studies was included in the Social Science.

In accordance with Government Regulation 7 / 1961, Universitas Semarang was changed into Universitas Diponegoro and appointed as a public university. In 1968, FHPM was officially divided into two faculties namely the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social Science and Political Science. One of the pioneers of the majors in Socio-Political Faculty was Prof. Sukarjan Hadi Sutikno. According to the Rector’s Decree 8 / 1983, Socio-Political Faculty had changed into the Faculty of Social Science and Political Science in Universitas Diponegoro. Therefore, according to history, Government Studies was established in 1957 but it formally became a part of FISIP UNDIP in 1968. in 2016, Government Studies was no longer a major but a study program under the Department of Politics and Government Studies.

The initial purpose of the Government Studies was to fulfil the government interest to have more trained resources to be the government apparatus and that resources were possible not only coming from the government educational institution. The Government Studies Program has three concentrations which are Government Management, Government Behavior, and Intermediary / Relations Political Power


Number of Government Studies students


International Students


Politics and Government Studies Department

Department Administrators

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science –

Universitas Diponegoro

Dr. Nur Hidayat, S.Sos., M.Si.

Head of Department

Dr. Dra. Rina Martini, M.Si. 

Head of Study Program

Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si. Ph. D

Secretary of Study Program

If you want to test a man’s character, give him power.

Abraham Lincoln-