Government Science Study Program, Department of Politics and Government Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Diponegoro University held a Guest Lecture scheme with the theme “History and Fundamentals of Work and Public Opinion as well as its Scientific and Practical Benefits” with Djayadi Hanan Ph.D (Director of the Indonesian Survey Institution/Lecturer at Paramadina University, Jakarta) and moderated by dr. Nunik Retno., S.Sos., M.Si (Lecturer in Government Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Undip), on Thursday (19/4).
In his presentation, Djayadi Hanan conveyed that public opinion is the reaction or attitude of citizens to the current and specific issues and events. “Public opinion needs to be known, the way is by asking the public, questioning all members of the public or census, asking some members of the public with the assumption that some members of the public have the same opinion as the whole or most of the members of the public, or by polling or conducting surveys. The population is a collection of all elements or objects that are concerned; while the sample is part of the population as a basis for concluding the population.
Furthermore, he said that the steps for the survey process were determining the research objectives, determining the target population, selecting the survey mode and design, selecting the sampling frame, selecting the sampling method, making the questionnaire, conducting pre-test questionnaires, recruiting respondents, conducting interviews, processing data, analyzing data, and generating reports. In explaining public opinion, it is necessary to be concerned on factors influencing the public to have certain opinions, hence there are three major theories or main explanations, namely sociological, psychological, and rational or rationality or political-economic approach.
Realizing the power of public opinion in sociology, humans as social beings will certainly relate to other humans, both as an individual and groups, together with other individuals or groups. (Lin-Humas)
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