Semarang, 22/05/2019 – Drs. Sisnanto Rusli, M.Si Camat Kedung Sub-district Jepara Regency specifically gave public lecture to the government science students about village funds and village funds allocation. The public lecture that themed “village government” was followed by students of the government sciences force 2017 on Monday, April 14th, 2019 housed in the theater room of Gedung B of FISIP Undip.
Drs. Sisnanto Rusli, M.Si explains as a legal community entity describing that the village is a legal subject. Village position as legal subject makes the village have rights and obligations to the assets or resources that belong to it. As stipulated in government regulation No. 60 year 2014 about village funds sourced from the APBN is explained that the utilization of village funds is prioritized on the implementation of Village development activities and village Community empowerment. Activities in the field of Village development are used to improve the welfare of the village community and the quality of human life and poverty reduction through the fulfillment of basic needs, development of village facilities and infrastructure, development of local economic potential and the utilization of SDA and the environment sustainably.
While the activities in the field of Community Empowerment Village is a manifestation of the independence of the village in the movement together as a unitary governance of village governance, Community institutions village and indigenous institutions, and economic and environmental governance. However, according to the narrative of Drs. Sisnanto Rusli, M.Si utilization of the Village fund in Indonesia, its use percentage more leading to the field of development of village, but should use the village funds should be balanced.
Further Drs. Sisnanto Rusli, M.Si stated that the allocation of village funds and village funds in Jepara Regency has always increased annually. Therefore, the District government has the obligation to carry out assistance in the planning, implementation and monitoring of village development. Because the village has a responsibility to assist the achievement of policy direction District government.
At the end of the opportunity in the public lecture Drs. Sisnanto Rusli, M.Si confirmed that the village fund is a good innovation from the central government for the village government whose use should be adapted to the needs. Village funds allocation with maximum absorption should also be accompanied by the village government’s responsibility in the form of the report of the response to the present is still less concerned.