Semarang (5/5), the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Diponegoro, hosted a gathering for the community of the faculty. The activity with the theme “The Beauty of Friendship” took place in the Auditorium Room on the 3rd floor of Building A FISIP UNDIP. The activity began at 09.00 am with a welcoming statement by the Master of Ceremony, recitation of the Qur’an, and continued with remarks from the Dean of FISIP UNDIP, Dr. Hardi Warsono, MT. The speaker in the activity was Dr. H. Muh Arja Imroni, S.Ag. (Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law – UIN Walisongo Semarang).
In his remarks, Dr. Hardi Warsono, MT said that the theme raised in the Halal Bihalal was “The beauty of friendship”. While he was delivering his speech, the number one person on the orange campus also apologized to all those present if there were things that were less pleasing during his time as dean. At the end of his speech, the Dean of FISIP UNDIP also presented two rhymes.
Ada milea dan dilan,
jalan di Bandung hujan-hujanan
semoga dosa kita diampuni tuhan,,
selamaty Bahagia di hari lebaran
Burung muri dara
terbangg tinggi tidak terlihat,
slamt idul firi wahai sudara,
semoga aman kaluarga Fisip Imannya semakin meningkat.
After the speech of the Dean of FISIP UNDIP, Dr. Hardi Warsono, MT, it was continued with a tausyiah (lecture) delivered by Dr. H. Muh Arja Imroni, S.Ag. (Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law – UIN Walisongo Semarang)
In his tausyiah, Dr. KH. Muh Arja Imroni, S.Ag. said that tausyiah is a popular thing, but its meaning was a testament spoken by a person who was about to die, the tausyiah should be short and should not be long. “If it’s long, it’s called ular-ular,” he added as a joke.
Then related to the theme “the art of friendship”
The great concept of Islamic teaching has one very important principle, namely the principle of balance or in Arabic: tawazun, even said by an expert Sheikh Yusuf Qardhawi: if Muslims do not maintain balance then surely that person has deviated from the true religion of Islam. All aspects need to be balanced if we analyze them. For example, people with knowledge must balance their knowledge with righteous deeds. If a knowledgeable person does not practice his knowledge, he will be tortured before idolaters are tortured. So it is useless if a person doing charity without knowledge. Islam is not only on that aspect, so people must prioritize the principle of balance, between self-interest and religious interests.
This includes the need for a balance between work and worship. For example, during campus office working hours, all employees including staff and lecturers must carry out their work obligations. Even though it is during prayer time.
Maintaining the balance of vertical (relationship with Allah SWT) and horizontal (relationship with fellow human beings). In the context of religion, we often misunderstand the context of religion. Allah says in the Quran Surah Al-Baqarah verse 185: “Yuridullahu bikumul-yusra wa laa yuridu bikumul-usra,”. which means: “Allah wants ease for you, and does not want hardship for you,”. Our relationship with Allah is very easy, what is difficult is our relationship with other humans. From that verse, Allah states that if the interests of Allah and humans collide, Allah SWT states to prioritize human interests.
At the end of the tausyiah session, he said that dealing with humans must be very careful, in religious principles, human problems would not end before they meet. However, whenever we are with Allah, we can always find each other. Finally, the closing of the Halal Bihalal activity of the Big Family of FISIP UNDIP ended with a joint prayer led directly by KH Dr. H. Muh Arja Imroni, S.Ag. followed by musyafahah (shaking hands) by all attendees.
Documentation of Halal Bihalal Activities of the FISIP UNDIP Big Family
Reporter : Maskur